Virtual Reality - experience unlimited
With Virtual Reality you can provide limitless breathtaking experience to your customers. We develop for
Angels & Demigods
Anime art style story telling brought to VR
- Immersive story telling movie like presentation
- Interactive choice driven scenes
- 2D ART presented in full 360 degree ilustrate environment
Run Shine, exercise in VR
App that takes you to beautiful environment when you exercise on eliptical machine.
- Adapting to actual running speed for real feeling using device step sensor.
- Beautiful nature environment
- Recordign statistics of your running
- Replaying your best running and having your best run running with you!
- Ability to use external sensors to track cycling speed as well.
Monster Multiplayer VR
Monsters multiplayer is real time third person shooter
- real time multiplayer
- free to join or closed online rooms
- game elements like health wells, teleport portals, towers to capture.
- transforming to supermonster after surviving long time
- bots to play against while waiting for real players